My reflection on the Passion story of Ecuador…
“Contemplating the suffering and death of Christ intensifies our union with him. It should also draw us to know and love the crucified people of today” - Dean Brackley, SJ1st Station: Jesus is condemned to death.The people of Mount Sinai know what it is to be condemned; many were condemned before they were even born. We do not choose our family, our nationality, our gender, our ethnicity. Many are fighting since birth just to live.
Three infants cry in hunger, screaming for their bottle at noon as they still haven’t eaten that day, not understanding why they have nothing to eat. A one year old screams “agua” (water), possibly her first word, as the water truck passes by her road and refuses to come down to distribute water because of the flooding. The seven siblings down the street play with old tires and rocks in the puddles.
Women are socialized to feel and believe in this machista culture that says they are worthless. They are in relationships that hinder their freedom, talent, self-esteem, and independence. They do not have the same opportunities in life, the same freedom in life as men. Women are trapped and life options are cut.
People of all genders, ages, ethnicities etc are vulnerable to disease, exclusion from education, chronic hunger and under nutrition, lack of access to basic amenities such as clean water and sanitation, and environmental degradation.
2nd Station: Jesus accepts his cross.Jesus carries his cross, just as millions of people do in the present day – accepting the world and its troubles and burdens as it is, not as we would have it to be.
Ecuadorians are very open about their lives and their struggles with us. “I cannot put food on the table for my family.” “I may not be able to afford the increasing school tuition.” “I have a loveless marriage.” “The flooding filled my home and destroyed everything.” They carry their crosses, they share their crosses.
3rd Station: Jesus falls for the first time.My neighbors, like Jesus, know what it is to struggle under the weight of their cross, to sit powerless and vulnerable.
A 91-year old woman describes the persisting back pain that keeps her crutched over in her hammock, but there is no money to pay for medicine. The $50 per month that she gets from the bono (a welfare program of Ecuador) she puts towards making sure her grandchildren have a meal before going to school. A husband sits at home, two months unemployed now, as the debt at the food stand down the street increases to $150 – they will not be able to keep buying soon. Homes are destroyed in the flooding and families do not have enough time to recuperate before the next storm hits – they are sitting ducks as nature exposes their vulnerability.
4th Station: Jesus meets his sorrowful mother.Jesus finds the strength to continue in the face of his grieving mother. We live in a mothered world with a God that watches over us, protects us, cries for us, and loves us like a mother. We meet the face of a sorrowful mother, a sorrowful God, in acts of kindness and love that give the means and the will to continue forward.
Families who have lost everything – clothing, homes, and food – in the flooding find refuge at local churches that open their doors for families to live temporarily. Anonymous donations and the work of non-profits allow families, poco a poco (bit by bit), to put their homes, their families, their lives back together.
The owner of a tiendita (a small food stand) down the street gives little children a free piece of gum or cookies occasionally when they come to buy food for their mothers, which puts a smile on their face for the rest of the day.
The director of our after-school program, a Salesian volunteer, gives high fives and words of encouragement everyday to kids who do not receive this same type of affirmation and love at home.
5th Station: Simon helps Jesus carry the cross.Jesus feels poverty at this point, the vulnerability of not being able to carry the cross, the burden, alone. Simon serves a man in the hour of his greatest need. He reminds us that service of any kind – requested or not, enthusiastically given or not – builds the kingdom of God.
The neighbors of Mount Sinai look after one another. When somebody is out of town, a neighbor looks after their home. When single mothers need to work or young mothers continue their education, other women help watch the children. When there is a death, bingos are organized to cover the high funeral costs. Are we willing to take on the burdens and crosses of others in this same manner?
“Grieving over the crosses of the world gathers our fragmented selves, centers and heals us. When we share the sorrow of the crucified of the earth, we are no longer alone.” – Dean Brackley, SJ.
6th Station: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.Veronica wipes the face of a suffering man with compassion. In a world that hides and ignores and marginalizes people, how close are we willing to get?
Damien House, one of the partner foundations of Rostro de Cristo, works with patients of Hansen’s disease, more commonly known as leprosy. Sister Annie started this foundation when she saw the horrific conditions of the infectious disease wing of the hospital. Patients marginalized by misconceptions of their disease were treated as less than human and were abandoned by their families. Sister Annie has dedicated her life´s work to bringing dignity and care to Hansen´s patients and breaking down the barriers and misconceptions that marginalized them. Do we recognize the humanity of our neighbors?
7th Station: Jesus falls a second time.Even with assistance, Jesus falls again. Even with help, even with attention, the people of Mount Sinai continue to fall.
For example, even with the focus on improving education, children still fail out and drop out. Even with increasing enrollment in the Ecuadorian schools due to the Millennium Goals placed by the UN, the quality of education still does not always properly equip students to pursue University or high-level employment. Children are still hindered by an education trap and continue to fall.
8th Station: Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem.Jesus meets women here to support him. He feels their grief as they express their gratitude. He, himself, suffers knowing that he cannot remain to help them more in this life. Yet Jesus shares with them hope: “Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me…for behold, the days are coming...” Luke 23:27-28.
This cross reminds me of the care and support my neighbors give us volunteers. Inevitably I have received more than I can ever give back to my neighbors. The people of Mount Sinai carry many crosses, yet they choose to meet us in our struggles too.
They may be struggling financially, but any time we are sick they insist on making soups and juices to help us recuperate. They ask about how our families are doing back in the States, and act as pseudo-mothers, fathers, and siblings caring for us. They may have had a heavy day – struggling with marriage, disobedient children, finances, flooding – yet they ALWAYS take an invested interest in how our day and/or week are going. In every encounter with neighbors they speak a word of hope.
9th Station: Jesus falls the third time.At this point, Jesus is a broken man, only able to summon the strength to continue through his inner trust in God. My neighbors in Mount Sinai summon this same strength from God.
In times of hardship, my friend relies on, leans on her relationship with God. “Life tests us so that God can prove His love for us. It is in these trials that I know God is with me.” “God gives me the strength to continue forward.” “I pray to God all of my troubles and He always helps me find a solution to the problem.” “There are some problems in life that we just don’t think we can get through, it’s easier to stop. That’s when God pushes us. Animates us. Accompanies us. And He lets us know that we can continue fighting.”
Jesus reminds us here that even in moments of complete helplessness; we can continue forward and summon this same strength.
10th Station: Jesus is stripped of his garments.Jesus is stripped of his garments. The people of Mount Sinai are stripped of opportunity, self worth, confidence, basic needs, and dignity. They stand in complete vulnerability.
Woman, purely because of her gender, is made poor in the machista culture. One stays with a husband who is openly cheating on her because of her economic and emotional dependence in the relationship. Another will not voice her opinions or even read aloud during a Hogar de Cristo workshop, her self-confidence has been shattered throughout her life of being told, and finally believeing, she is nothing. Another lets a rape go unreported, she doesn´t have confidence to come forward against a man or have confidence in the legal system to bring forward any results.
The basic needs and services of Mount Sinai are ignored. Electricity is stolen. There is no running water – water is brought in by trucks. In the rainy season many roads are impassable and water trucks stop visiting some blocks. Families live in single-room cane homes. People suffer from common and preventable medical ailments that they cannot afford to treat.
The vulnerability of the people of Mount Sinai is constantly exposed.
11th Station: Jesus is nailed to the cross.We witness neighbors nailed to their crosses every day.
He is crucified in the miscarriages that occur. He is crucified in the people dying of hunger and malnutrition. He is crucified in the youth joining gangs. He is crucified in the preventable diseases that go untreated and take innocent lives when medical care isn’t available. He is crucified in the people who die by electrocution due to unreliable electrical work in Sinai. He is crucified in all of those who are marginalized based on race, gender, or ethnicity.
12th Station: Jesus dies on the cross.Jesus dies for us in love and challenges us to love our enemies. How can we be the Rostro de Cristo, the face of Christ, in the world? How can we love and forgive both our enemies and our friends and treat them with the dignity and love Jesus himself would share?
13th Station: Jesus is taken down from the crossJesus is taken down from the cross and Mary clings to her son. She does not retreat in defeat and helplessness. Instead she stays faithful and remains embracing her son. How may we learn to do the same in a world that is full of persecution and crucifixion?
14th Station: Jesus is laid in the tomb.Will we remember those laid in the tombs and carry them with us? How do we do justice to the stories of the millions crucified in the present day?
Resurrection: “When an abandoned woman who is the mother of three small children laughs on her worst day ever, is she being dishonest? Or is her joy deeper than her pain? Might she know in her heart that life is worth it, despite everything? Among the poor, a fiesta is always appropriate. Is that escapism or something else? Homeless men, battered women, the young man with AIDS – they can’t always explain their smile. Are they crazy? Or is smiling in hard times an act of faith with a basis in reality? When poor folks struggle against the odds with good humor, they cannot always tell you why... Rejoicing always, despite everything is a requirement of faith – and a sign of faith. Faith denies evil and death the last word.” – Dean Brackley, SJ.
***All stories and people above are taken from my experience in Ecuador, but I chose not to include names for privacy reasons.