Friday, July 20, 2012

Orientation is coming to a close...

I'm writing one last blog post from BC - the two weeks have absolutely flown by! We got back from our silent retreat last night and are all refreshed, rested, and getting excited/anxious for our departure on Sunday.

This week our days have been filled with more sessions focused on some more practical topics like leading retreat groups and teaching (as many of us will be teaching in some capacity whether that be in schools, after-school programs, or at our parish).

On Tuesday night we "entered into the silence" and then departed for the retreat house in Medway, MA the next morning. Besides meal time, we were given the two days to do whatever we wanted. It was a great opportunity to catch up on sleep, pray, and read. There were trails all over which I wandered/got lost in for hours at a time. Also, Fatima Shrine was just down the street in Holliston, MA so many of us ventured over there to walk the grounds and attend mass.

Tomorrow is our last day at BC. We are getting excited to leave, but it will be strange and sad to leave some of the JV's we have gotten to know so well over these past weeks as some venture off to their own countries and others will be returning home for a few months before departure.

It will be a long day of traveling on Sunday - we will leave here early in the morning, have a layover in Miami, and then arrive in Guayaquil around 10pm. We will have more orientation for our first two weeks in country and will be shown the ropes by the current volunteers living in our communitites. It will probably be a busy and crazy time as we try to learn our way around and most likely immediately  fall in love with the country in this "honeymoon" phase. I'll try to post again when I can.

Apparently the library closes in 5 minutes, so I need to cut this short. Love and miss you all! And below I'm attaching a picture of my Mt Sinai community!


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